Tak mam radost jak malej kluk.
Podle tohoto návodu:
Installation for Windows 7 64Bit:
Don’t install any driver, and don’t connect your AVR-Doper!
Download the “avrcdc_inf.zip” from recursion.jp/avrcdc/lowbulk.html
Download DSEO from ngohq.com/home.php?page=dseo
Unzip “avrcdc_inf.zip”
Start dseo13b.exe, press “Next” and “Yes”
Choose “Sign a System File”
Type path from lowcdc.inf of the vista64 folder (for example: D:\avrcdc_inf\vista64\lowcdc.inf) and sign
Choose “Sign a System File” again and sign lowcdc.sys
Choose “Enable Test Mode”
Restart System
Connect the AVR-Doper, wait until Windows say that he can’t find the driver.
Open device manager
rightclick the AVR-Doper, select update driver
Choose the lowcdc.inf
Akorát po nainstalování znova spustim DSEO a dam Disable Test Mode a restart PC přes F8 povolit nepodepsané ovladače a jede programátor jak má no problém. U mne to funguje na 100%.
Doufám že to někomu bude k užitku.